
by Yusuf Estes

  • $50,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $50,005.00

    Funds Raised
  • 623

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

Yusuf Estes

7 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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ShareIslam project has made the Quran accessible to a wide audience. Allowing anyone to know each and every word or phrase from Quran while reading. How each word in Quran is pronounced with proper tajweed. Users can play audio of verse at a time, page at a time, chapter at a time, and can also have the Quran played word by word. While Quran is played each verse or word is highlighted.  A researcher can link to a specific word of the Quran. There is even an option to embed Word by Word of Quran with audio on your blog to share and discussion.

Recite Quran involved many volunteers and hours of work and is constantly being improved and upgraded on monthly bases. As technology of hosting and displaying applications on browsers improves we hope to continue to upgrade this much needed resource.

Support the continued improvement of the Recite The Quran application. With a dedicated designer and developer for on going improvements rest of the year.  Your support helps continued development by having system admin support, run production and development systems in datacenter and have a lead developer on this project.

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Name Donate Amount Date
Joshua LEE estes foundation $50,000.00 February 12, 2020
Joshua Lee $5.00 February 08, 2020